education, family, Saving money

Thursday Thank you – Kindness of Strangers

The current state of education is shady.  Schools asked to do more with less, schools not getting equal funding, teachers pay cut, and most importantly trying to educate students who are hungry, lonely, hurting.  Yes, I am thankful to have full-time employment in a district that cares about its students and staff.

Others are not so lucky.  Daily I hear about the financial struggles of students, family, and friends.  Trying to make ends meet on a limited budget, with or without employment, and in a competitive job market, a difficult time for many.   Despite the educational stress that my husband and I under, we  remember perspective.

I am thankful for a job that helps us pay our bills, provide food for our family, and enables us to enroll our children in a few extra curricular activities.

Remember the movie Pay It Forward?  Last week, someone paid for my dad and daughter’s lunch at McDonald’s.  A couple of my students, out on their Prom dinner, we’re delighted and in awe that a complete stranger paid for their dinner and left before getting a chance to hear the heartfelt gratitude of the young adults.

Perspective.  Thank you for those everyday that show me that life is about living through the ups and downs, challenges and frustrations, heartaches and joys.  May I remember to take time to help someone in need, be it holding a door, carrying groceries, mowing a yard, or providing a meal to a family in need.  May I also guide my children in the art of kindness, the joys of helping others, and the wisdom to do so without needing a thanks in return.  Thank you.

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